
Interactive multimedia

Higher education teachers: Zajc Matej
Študijski program od študijskega leta 2014/15

Subject description


  • Enrollment in the study year.

Content (Syllabus outline):

Introduction to interaction in multimedia. Interaction design and components of interaction human-computer. Basics of user modeling and analysis of user requirements. Design and production of interactive multimedia content. Tools for creation of multimedia content. Introduction to modeling interaction with UML. Advanced input-output devices and technical capabilities of modern terminal equipment. Prototyping of multimedia systems.

Objectives and competences:

Objective is to understand elements of interactivity and approaches to interactive content production. Understand interaction design and modern user interfaces. Use of selected software tools for planning and execution of interactive multimedia projects.

Intended learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge and understanding:
  • Understanding fundamental issues in designing interaction in multimedia systems. Use of tools for interactive content creation.

Learning and teaching methods:

  • Lectures, demonstrations, practical laboratory work.

Study materials

  1. D. Benyon, Designing Interactive Systems, Addison Wesley, druga izdaja 2010.
  2. B. Shneiderman, C. Plaisant, Designing the User Interface, Pearson, peta izdaja, 2010.
  3. D. Shaffer, Designing for Interaction, New Riders, druga izdaja, 2010.
  4. K. Goodwin, Designing for the Digital Age, Wiley, 2009.