Higher education teachers: Bojkovski Jovan
Collaborators: Batagelj Valentin
Subject description
- Enrolment in 2. Year of undergraduate study – Technical quality.
Content (Syllabus outline):
- Basic terms and definitions of software engineering (life cycle, specification of requirements, design and architecture of software)
- Project management (definitions, software for project management, specifics of software projects management)
- Optimization of projects
- Methods for analysis and design of software
- Application development and testing
- Role of open source software (Linux, BSD, Android, …)
Objectives and competences:
- to broaden knowledge on software engineering
- to learn about basic terms of software engineering (software life cycle, specification of software requirements, design and architecture of software)
- software project engineering
- linkage between sociological aspects of project work and software quality
- modern software engineering technologies
- importance of open source code software
Intended learning outcomes:
Basic terms and definitions of software engineering; understanding concepts of project management; open source software and its importance
Learning and teaching methods:
- Lectures,
- laboratory excersizes,
- seminar work,
- work at home.
Study materials
- Bojkovski, J: Tehnologija programske opreme; zapiski predavanj; Fakulteta za elektrotehniko 2012
- Ian Sommerville: ”Software Engineering”, Adison Wesley, 2011
- Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli: “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 2003
- Project Management Institute: »Software Extension to the PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition«, 2013
- Project Management Institute: “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) – Fifth Edition”, 2013