
Microprocessor Systems in Telecommunications

Higher education teachers: Bürmen Arpad

Subject description


  • Programming I and II.

Content (Syllabus outline):

History of digital processors. Logic circuits. Address space, commands, and program execution. Operations with integers. Microprocessor architecture. Communication in microprocessor systems. Building blocks of microprocessor systems. Interrupts. Writing, compiling, and executing programs. Uploading and debugging a program. Microcontrollers. Digital signal processors. Network processors. Operating systems and multitasking. Real-time systems.

Objectives and competences:

  • To gain knowledge of various families of microprocessors and their role in communication systems. To get familiar with the hardware and the software part of terminal equipment, operating system, and basics of microprocessor system design.
  • To gain practical experince on a real-world microprocessor system and the corresponding operating system.

Intended learning outcomes:

Overview of microprocessor systems in telecommunications, microprocessor system design and programming.


  • Lectures,
  • discussion,
  • laboratory practice.

Study materials


  1. J.-L. Baer, Microprocessor architecture: from simple pipelines to chip multiprocessors, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  2. S.-M. Kuo, W.-S. Gan, Digital signal processors : architectures, implementations and applications. Prentice Hall, 2005.
  3. R. Giladi, Network processors: architecture, programming, and implementation. Morgan Kaufmann (Elsevier), 2008.
  4. J. Puhan, T. Tuma, Uvod v mikrokrmilniške sisteme - zgradba in programiranje, Založba FE/FRI, 2006, optični disk (CD-ROM), PDF datoteka