Seminar on Systems Engineering
Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach enabling the design, conception, implementation and evaluation of successful systems. This lecture explores techniques and methods in order to define customer need, requirement documentation, technical functionality specification, system design and validation.

The seminar introduces concepts and practices of system engineering. Concrete examples from international including Norwegian organisations will be as well discussed.

Target Audience
- The seminar is interesting for engineers, Students, faculty members, managers and working in both private and public sectors
- There is a limit capacity up to 25 seats.
At the end of the seminar, the attendant will be awarded with a certificate of completion certified by the Faculty of Technology and Maritime science, Kongsberg, Norway.
Date and Time
23rd september 2015 from 13h00 to 17h00
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana
Room: Diplomska soba
The event is organized by University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, IEEE Student Branch Ljubljana and IEEE SP& CAS Chapter Slovenia.
Please register with IEEE Student Branch Ljubljana since seats are limited.
The event is free of charge sponsored by IEEE SP&CAS Chapter Slovenia.
13:00 Welcome and Introduction (prof. dr. Matej Zajc)
Abstract: This seminar presents the basic concepts of systems and system engineering. The systems life cycle is as well presented. The lecture will introduce the different system engineering process such as conops, Vee model, spiral model and so forth.
- Stakeholder and their requirements
Abstract: This seminar introduces the concepts stakeholders. High level requirements and detailed requirement will be as well presented. Particularly, from a systematic thinking of sustainability development perspective, a toolkit of compass will be introduced and thus a practice based on it for a stakeholder and tCoffee Breakheir requirement analysis could be carried out.
- System concepts Design Process
Abstract:The concepts of system are as well presented. A set of methods to select the most suitable concepts are presented (Pugh Matrix)
- System Integration, verification and validation
Abstract: The seminar introduces methods for system integration. Verification and validation of a system are as well presented
Attendants, will present the finding of the team work project that will be the summary of the small exercise performed in a team after each session
17:00 Workshop end
- About the keynote speaker
Dr. Aurilla Aurelie Bechina Arntzen is Professor at Buskerud and Vestfold University College in Norway since January 2008. She is visiting Professor at Bangkok University in Thailand. She received her Ph.D. in Automation, from INSA (Institute National des Sciences Appliquées) of Strasbourg, France in 1997. She has several years combined teaching and research IT experience from several well-known International institutions. Her academic interests are broad ranging from real-time systems development to the conception of knowledge systems. As independent consultant, she has been working with customers in Project management, training, Business process improvement, information and knowledge management systems. She has participated and co-leaded several European projects. She served as an expert evaluator for the European commission and the Norwegian research council. She is author and co-author of several technical and scientific publications.